About Me

Hello, there!

Lissome Logophile here, aka Kaan Arslan. I’m 19 years old and from Manisa/Turkey. First of all, I am a human being, a son, a friend, a learner. Then, I am a thinker, a reader, a writer, a poet – yes, I write poems.
I like warm hugs, watching sunsets, laughing till I cry, talking about my favourite piece of music, bonding over literature. I LOVE learning. I am crazy about words in general, you may have realized it from the title of my blog. I love spending time alone and practicing self-care; yes, you could say that I’m an intoverted person. Expressing myself through writing is my passion. My mission in life is to be a better version of myself everyday.
Currently I am studying English Language Teaching at Marmara University in Istanbul. For now, I am going to be posting stuff I was required to post by my teacher in Instructional Technology and Material Design course. 

Hope you enjoy!


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